John Jones, HMS Bulwark

Stoker, 1768U, RNR, HMS Bulwark, Died, aged 42, on 26 November 1914 when the battleship was lost due to an internal explosion.

HMS Bulwark was a 15,000 ton London Class Pre-Dreadnought Battleship commissioned in 1902. She was part of the 5th Battle Squadron at the outbreak of war and stationed on the River Medway to protect the English Channel.On the morning of Thursday 26th November 1914 HMS Bulwark was moored to No.17 buoy in Kethole Reach on the River Medway, almost opposite the town of Sheerness, Isle of Sheppy, Kent. There was a full complement of men aboard. At 07:50 The ship suffered a powerful internal explosion that ripped the ship apart. All of her officers were lost, and out of her complement of 750, only 14 sailors survived; two of these men subsequently died of their injuries in hospital. Almost all of the remaining survivors were seriously injured. The resultant inquest and investigation did not arrive at a definitive cause for the explosion. However, it was generally believed that it was due to poor control and storage of cordite charges that may have become overheated.

Two other Holyhead sailors lost their lives in the explosion (Robert Pritchard and John Wathren).

Born on 17 February 1874 at Holyhead the husband of Mrs Sarah Jones (nee Roberts) of 7 Cybi Place, Holyhead. In 1901 he resided at 11 Queens Park, Holyhead with 8-month-old daughter Maggie Jane Jones. He had been previously employed for 17 years by the City of Dublin Steampacket Company. At his death he left a wife and 6 children.

Awarded the 1914-15 Star, Victory Medal and British War Medal.

Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Panel 6.

HMS Bulwark image from