Robert Jones, SS Hildena

Robert Jones, Fireman, SS Hildena. Lost at sea on 14 January 1918, aged 56.

There is no Robert Jones listed on the Commonwealth War Graves Commision (CWGC) Debt of Honour Register as having been lost whilst serving on SS Hildena. This omission was probably because his death was the result of a collision at sea and therefore not eligible for CWGC commemoration. The town considered this differently and has included his name on the Memorial*.

The SS Hildena was an steel-hulled steamship built by Charles Rennoldson & Co at South Shields in 1914 to the orders of Messrs. Joseph Monks & Co., Ltd., of Liverpool.

SS Hildena was transporting coal from Partington Coal Basin to Waterford when it foundered 3-4 miles north of the Skerries after a collision with the SS Hirano Maru with the loss of all hands. The Hirano Maru was sailing as part of a convoy crossing the Irish Sea on the way to Liverpool. The convoy had not long turned east and was travelling without lights when it met the Hildena. The Hirano Maru's Master, Hector Fraser, was later blamed for the collision. At the time of loss Robert Jones was listed as the ship's Second Engineer.

It would appear that Robert Jones' body was not recovered for burial.

*To be included on the Debt of Honour Register it would appear that the rule for Mercantile Marine men was that they had to die both on duty and of a war cause or a cause due to an increased threat brought on by war. Generally this had to occur overseas.The Mercantile Marine was one of the Recognised Civilian Organisations eligible for CWGC commemoration only if both requirements were met.