Owen Arthur Griffith, Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Private, 56922 (also 3391), 17th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Died, killed in action, aged 19, on 29 August 1917 at the Western Front.

The 17th (Service) Battalion (2nd North Wales) was formed at Llandudno on 2 February 1915 and initially attached to 128th Brigade, 43rd Division. In April 1915 the Division was renumbered as the 38th (Welsh) Division. In July 1915 the Battalion transferred from the 113th to the 115th Brigade of the Division. The Division arrived in France during December 1915 and fought at Armentieres before moving to the Somme, where they were decimated at Mametz Wood. They took a year to rebuild in readiness for the battles of 1917. Private Griffith enlisted at Caernarvon. Whilst serving at Ypres, the Battalion War Diary records casualties for the 28th August - "1 Officer killed, 1 Officer wounded, 6 OR's killed and 13 OR's wounded".

Born at Llanbeblig, Caernarvonshire, the son of the late Thomas and Ann Griffith of 29 High Street, Caernarvon. Resided at Llwydiarth, Holyhead. In 1901 he lived with his parents, two brothers and one sister together with a cousin and a servant at 29 High Street, Caernarvon. In 1911 he was living at 36 Thomas Street, Holyhead, the home of his widowed aunt, Ellen Jones, a Lodging House Keeper. He was then aged 12. Also at the house was his sister, Margaret Ceridwen Griffith (14). Administration of his will to the value of £79. 18s. 3d was granted to his sister Margaret in 1918. She married Charles H Gooding in 1919 at Holyhead. Both Private Griffith's parents originated from Holyhead. His father died in 1922 and was previously employed as a Grocery Shop Manager.

Awarded the Victory Medal and the British War Medal.

Commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Panel 63 to 65. He has no known grave. He is also commemorated on the Caernarfon War Memorial.

Thanks to Graham Knight (Admin of the Facebook Page 'Royal Welsh Fusiliers 1900-1919) for the war diary details.