Owen Richard Jones, Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Lance Corporal, 20571, 14th (Service) Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusliers. Died, killed in action, aged 21, on 20 March 1916 at the Western Front.

The Battalion was formed at Llandudno on 2 November 1914 by the Welsh National Executive Committee. In November 1914 it was attached to 128th Brigade, 43rd Division. On 28 April 1915 the formation became the 113th Brigade, 38th (Welsh) Division. It landed in France in December 1915. Enlisted at Holyhead. Arrived in France on 2 December 1915. On 16 March 1916 the Battalion took over the trenches at Festubert and islands from the 11th Bn. South Wales Borderers until relieved on 28 March 1916. The Battalion War Diary lacks details of casualties suffered during this period. However, records show that six soldiers were killed during this front line duty. The diary records a number of patrols into No Man's Land and significant sniper activity, which may have been the cause of his loss and others of his battalion.

Born at Holyhead the son of Mary Jones, of 1, Erw Terrace, Holyhead, and the late William Jones. In 1901 he lived with his parents at 2 Yr Erw Terrace, Holyhead with four sisters and one brother. His father was employed as a Steamship Stoker. All were born at Holyhead. In 1911 he was living with his family at Bryn Marian, 1 Erw Terrace, Holyhead. At that time he was one of 8 surviving children and was employed as a Grocers Errand Boy, aged 15.

His father, William Jones was lost on 5 November 1915 when HMS Tara was sunk by submarine in the Mediterranean Sea.

Awarded the 1914-15 Star, Victory Medal and British War Medal. These medals are available for viewing along with his Memorial Plaque at Holyhead Maritime Museum.

Buried at Le Touret Military Cemetery, Richebourg-L'avoue, France. Grave location III.E.16.