George Owen, Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Private, 2227, 1/6th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Died of wounds at sea, age 19, on 14 August 1915.

The battalion was formed at Caernarvon in August 1914 and joined the 158th Brigade, 53rd (Welsh) Division on 13 May 1915. It sailed from Devonport on 19 July 1915 for Gallipoli, going via Imbros and disembarking at Suvla Bay on 9 August 1915. He enlisted at Holyhead and arrived at the Balkans on 8 August 1915. The Battalion was involved in the Landing at Suvla Bay from the 9-15 August and, in particular, in the attack to take Scimitar Hill. There was much chaos and confusion during this action and the attack failed to make much progress against firmly entrenched Turkish forces. Many North Wales soldiers lost their lives during this time. The losses to the 53rd (Welsh) Division were so extensive that its effectiveness as a fighting force was severely diminished only days after it landed at Gallipoli.

Born at Caernarvon, the son of George Stephen and Jane Owens (nee Williams). They married at Caernarvon in 1893. His father was a sailor, born at Caernarvon. Lived at 28 Cecil Street, London Road, Holyhead. In 1911 the family lived at 5 Blue Bell, London Road and comprised Jane Owens (35), Georgie Owens (15) - a Grocer's Errand Boy, Mary Lizzie Owens (13), Jennie Owens (12), Owen Owens (11), Kate Ellen Owens (6) and Marella Frances Owens (3). The 1911 Census records his father as an AB Seaman on board SS Rathmore at Holyhead Harbour.

Private Owen died whilst on board hospital ship HS Salta. Also reported to have died at Alexandria Hospital. His father, George Stephen Owen, served as Quartermaster on SS Connemara and was lost with the ship in November 1916.

Awarded the 1914-15 Star, Victory Medal and British War Medal.

Buried at sea. Commemorated on the Helles Memorial. Panels 77 to 80.