John Bryn Owen, Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Private, 60787, 15th (Service) Battalion (1st London Welsh), Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Died, killed in action, aged 19 on 27 July 1917 at the Western Front.

The Battalion was formed at London on 20 October 1914. In December 1914 it was attached to 128th Brigade, 43rd Division. On 28 April 1915 the formation became the 113th Brigade, 38th (Welsh) Division. The Battalion moved to Winchester in August 1915 and landed in France in December 1915. It was eventually disbanded in France on 27 February 1918. Private Owen probably joined his unit, as one of many replacements, not long after his 19th birthday. In July 1917 the Division was preparing for the Third Battle of Ypres, the first action being the Battle of Pilkem (31 July to 2 August). On 27th July the Battalion was in the front line at Canal Bank and the Battalion War Diary records " information was received that the enemy was falling back and the brigade was ordered to carry out a reconnaissance to ascertain if the information was correct. 'A' Coy RWF was entrusted with this duty. They went forward and reached almost to Cactus Junc., but met with considerable opposition and for the most part were either killed or wounded". Born at Rhoscolyn, Anglesey, he was the son of Mr and Mrs John Owen of Refail Farm, Trearddur Bay, Holyhead. In 1911 he was a 13 year old schoolboy living at Refail Farm with his family. His father, John Owen (42) was a Farmer born at Llantrisant. His mother, Mary Grace (40) came from Rhoscolyn. He was the eldest of 6 children. Others were Blodwen (10), Lily (8), Mary (7), Gronwy (4) and Enid (1). Awarded the Victory Medal and British War Medal. Buried in the Bard Cottage Cemetery, Belgium. Grave location III.G.8.