Patrick Bergin, Leinster Regiment

Private, 6838, 2nd Battalion, Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians). Died, aged 26, killed in action, on 20 October 1914 at the Western Front.

At the outset of war the Battalion was at Cork in Ireland. The battalion eventually arrived in France on 9 September 1914 as part of the 17th Brigade, 6th Division, too late to take part in the Battle of Mons. However, from the 18 - 20 October, 1914 they were significantly involved in an action, part of the Battle of Armentiers, to secure the Perenchies Ridge by taking the small village of Prémesques. The purpose of the action was to obtain a more advantageous position for any future move to recapture Lille. On 20 October the Germans opened up an artillery barrage at approximately 8am shattering the 2nd Battalion's poorly prepared trenches at the village. The barrage lasted for about a quarter of an hour before the German infantry attacked in force. The fierce fighting that took place over the three days caused severe losses and the eventual withdrawal of the Brigade from the objective. On 20 October the Battalion recorded 30 men killed, 70 wounded and 214 missing. Amonst those lost on the same day was Jeremiah Bergin (a possible relative), born at Mountrath in 1889.

Born at Mountrath, Queen's County, Ireland on 6 April 1888 to Patrick Bergin and Anne Delaney. Recruited at Maryborough, Queen's County. Husband of Martha Ellen Bergin (nee Roberts), who in 1901 lived with her father George (a Mariner), mother Charlotte and sister at 3 Stanley Crescent, Holyhead. They were married at Holyhead towards the end of 1913. A son Patrick was born at Holyhead towards the end of 1914 but died soon after. Resided at 7 Keffi Street, Holyhead. His widow later lived at 113 Farebrother Street, Grimsby. She may have married William A Hall at Devonport in 1918.

He was awarded the 1914 Star, Victory Medal and British War Medal. However, these were returned as undeliverable.

Commemorated on the Ploegstreert Memorial, Belgium. He has no known grave. In addition he is listed in "Ireland's Memorial Record 1914-1918".

Information relating to the action at Prémesques originated from the Great War Forum.