George Herbert Fosse, Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Private, 75955, 9th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Formerly 215533, Denbighshire Yeomanry). Died, killed in action, aged about 19, on 6 November 1918 at the Western Front.

He enlisted at Menai Bridge. The 9th (Service) Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers was formed at Wrexham on 9 September 1914 as part of K2 and attached to 58th Brigade, 19th (Western) Division. They landed at Boulogne 19 July 1915. From 5 to 7 November the battalion was involved in the final advance at Picardy towards Mons, including the Battle of the Passage of the Grande Honelle. The Battalion War Diary records that on the 6 November the battalion were ordered forward to capture the village of Bettretchies close to the River Hogneau and take a position on the high ground. They captured the village and sent patrols across the river but were continuously driven back by machine gun fire. Later in the the day the village was heavily shelled (2,000-3,000 shells). Private Fosse was one of 3 soldiers killed that day, 22 others were wounded. The Commanding Offcer remarked "In the circumstances the casualties were not heavy". He had died five days before the Armistice. Born at Holyhead the son of George Herbert Fosse and Mary Louisa Fosse (nee Picton). In 1901 he lived with his parents and younger sister at his grandmother's house at 39 Cambrian Terrace (Street), Holyhead. Also sharing the house were his mother's three brothers and two sisters. His father originated from Worchester and was employed as a Draper's Assistant. In 1911 he was still living at his Grandmother's house with his sister, Emma Louise and his two unmarried uncles and two unmarried aunts. His mother had died previously in 1904 aged 26.

Awarded the Victory Medal and British War Medal.

Buried in the Cross Roads Cemetery, Fontaine-au-Bois, France. Location I.D.11.