
Cenotaph unveiling 1922

The centenary of the Great War of 1914-1918 reminds us all of the huge sacrifice our forebears made during this time in history. Almost one million British and Empire service men and women lost their lives during this horrendous conflict.

There are 288 names of men and women from Holyhead listed on the town War Memorial, known as the Cenotaph. It is believed to be the largest pro rata loss from the Great War for any town in the UK. This is probably not surprising for a seafaring town set in a rural area that so many served and were lost on land, sea and air. The photograph shows the Cenotaph unveiling on 15 September 1923.

A major objective of this website is to help preserve the memory of those who were called upon to make the supreme sacrifice. Efforts have been made to research all names listed on the War Memorial to provide the reader with information about their family background, where they grew up, service records and, wherever possible, information on how they lost their lives. Where available, photographs of individuals, ships, gravestones etc have been included.

The research has drawn upon numerous sources, most of which are public information. However, I am also grateful for the freely given information from a number of individuals. These include fellow volunteers at Holyhead Maritime Museum, particularly Peter Scott Roberts and Aled L Jones, members and posts of the Great War Forum and those who hopefully I have adequately acknowledged in the text.

The Holyhead War Memorial, like many in the UK, display names of those lost but with little detail. Hopefully those who take the time to visit this website will then view the memorial as more than just a “list of names” and thereby gain a better understanding of the tragedy of war and the extent of personal sacrifice made.

"Their Name Liveth for Evermore"

Research on those commemorated on the memorial continues and additions will be made on a regular basis. I would be pleased to receive in any comment, correction or information regarding those listed here. Please also contact me if through my enthusiasm for the project have failed to provide adequate acknowledgement of information or photographs.

Please send any comments or contribution to my contact email address - Thanks, Barry Hillier, Holyhead Maritime Museum