World History Unit 4

The Middle Ages in Europe

10 Instructional Days - 2nd 6 Weeks

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Big Idea:

Describe the Byzantine Empire and the rise and fall of Feudal Europe

Student Expectations:

Priority TEKS

WH.4(A) [Readiness] explain the development of Christianity as a unifying social and political factor in medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire

WH.4(C) [Readiness] describe the major characteristics of and the factors contributing to the development of the political/social system of feudalism and the economic system of manorialism

WH.4(G) [Readiness] explain how the Crusades, the Black Death, the Hundred Years’ War, and the Great Schism contributed to the end of medieval Europe

Focus TEKS

WH.1(C) [Supporting] identify major causes and describe the major effects of the following important turning points in world history from 600 to 1450: the spread of Christianity, the decline of Rome and the formation of medieval Europe

WH.3(B) [Supporting] explain the impact of the fall of Rome on Western Europe

WH.4(B) [Supporting] explain the characteristics of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy

WH.16(B) [Readiness] analyze the influence of human and physical geographic factors on major events in world history

WH.20(B) [Supporting] identify the impact of political and legal ideas contained in the following documents: Justinian’s Code of Laws, Magna Carta

WH.20(C) [Supporting] explain the political philosophies of individuals

WH.22(B) [Supporting] identify the influence of ideas regarding the right to a “trial by a jury of your peers” and the concepts of “innocent until proven guilty” and “equality before the law” that originated from the Judeo‐Christian legal tradition and in Greece and Rome

WH.23(B) [Supporting] identify examples of religious influence on various events referenced in the major eras of world history

WH.24(A) [Supporting] describe the changing roles of women, children, and families during major eras of world history

WH.26(A) [Supporting] identify significant examples of art and architecture that demonstrate an artistic ideal or visual principle from selected cultures

Ongoing TEKS

WH.29(F) [Processing] analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, drawing inferences and conclusions, and developing connections between historical events over time

WH.29(G) [Processing] construct a thesis on a social studies issue or event supported by evidence

WH.29(H) [Processing] use appropriate reading and mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as maps and graphs.

WH.30(A) [Processing] use social studies terminology correctly

WH.30(B) [Processing] use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation

WH.30(D) [Processing] transfer information from one medium to another

Student Learning Targets:

  • I will describe the influence that the Byzantine Empire had on Russia.
  • I will classify the influences that the Germanic tribes had on the entire continent of Europe.
  • I will understand how Feudal Europe was characterized by key social, political, and economic relationships.
  • I will understand the causes and effects of the decline of Feudal Europe.
  • I will compare and contrast the Byzantine Empire with the Roman Empire.

Essential Questions:

  • How did the Germanic tribes help create Feudal Europe?
  • What were some seasons for the survival of the Byzantine Empire?
  • What were the social, political, and economic relationships of Feudal Europe?
  • How did the Crusades help bring about the end of Feudal Europe?
  • How, and in what ways, was the power of the English monarchs put in check?

Extra Information:

Adopted Textbook: World History Texas - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Holt McDougal

District Grading Policy

Texas Gateway Online Resource Center

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