Statistics Unit 10

One Sample Significance Tests

8 Instructional Days - 4th and 5th 6 Weeks

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Big Idea:

One Sample Significance Tests

Student Expectations:

Focus Standards

IV. Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses.

B. Tests of significance

1. Logic of significance testing, null and alternative hypotheses; p-values; one-and two-sided tests; concepts of Type I and Type II errors; concept of power

2. Large sample test for a proportion

4. Test for a mean

Student Learning Targets:

  • I will state correct hypothesis for a significance test about a population proportion or mean
  • I will interpret P-value in context of the problem
  • I will interpret Type I and Type II Errors in context of the problem and give consequences of each
  • I will check conditions for hypothesis tests
  • I will perform a significance test about a population proportion and a population mean
  • I will interpret the power of a test and describe what factors affect the power
  • I will describe the relationship between Type I Error, Type II Error, and Power

Essential Questions:

  • How are tests of significance used as evidence for some claim about a parameter?
  • How are significance tests used to draw conclusions from data?
  • What types of errors can occur in significance tests?
  • How do you determine if there is statistical significance?
  • What is a p-value and how is it interpreted?

Extra Information:

Adopted Textbook:

District Grading Policy

Texas Gateway Online Resource Center

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