8th Grade Math Unit 11

Linear Relationships Extended

10 Instructional Days - 6th 6 Weeks

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Big Idea:

Extend previous knowledge to prepare for Algebra including topics such as solving equations and inequalities with variables on both sides, distributive property, factoring, functions, and graphing.

Student Expectations:

Focus TEKS

8.4(B) [Supporting] Graph proportional relationships, interpreting the unit rate as the slope of the line that models the relationship.

8.5(B) [Supporting] Represent linear non-proportional situations with tables, graphs, and equations in the form of y=mx+b where b is not = to 0.

8.8(A) [Supporting] Write one-variable equations or inequalities with variables on both sides that represent problems using rational number coefficients and constants.

8.8(B) [Supporting] Write a corresponding real-world problem when given a one-variable equation or inequality with variable on both sides of the equal sign using rational number coefficient and constants.

8.8(C) [Readiness] Model and solve one-variable equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign that represent mathematical and real-world problems using rational number coefficients and constants.

8.12(F) [Supporting] Analyze situations to determine if they represent financially responsible decisions and identify the benefits of financial responsibility and the costs of financial irresponsibility.

Student Learning Targets:

  • I will extend my previous knowledge to prepare for Algebra including topics such as solving equations and inequalities with variables on both sides, distributive property, factoring, functions, and graphing.
  • I will write an explanation next to each step in the equation justifying that step performed.

Essential Questions:

  • How do the concepts learned in this unit help solve more complex real world problems?

Extra Information:

Adopted Textbook: McGraw-Hill 8th Grade Mathematics

District Grading Policy

Texas Gateway Online Resource Center

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