2nd Grade Social Studies Unit 5

Geography: Modifying the Environment

5 Instructional Days - 3rd 6 Weeks

Hyperlinks are for content teachers

Big Idea:

Understand how humans use and modify the physical environment.

Student Expectations:

Focus TEKS

2.8(A) [Supporting] identify ways in which people have modified the physical environment such as building roads, clearing land for urban development and agricultural use, and drilling for oil;

2.8(B) [Supporting] identify positive and negative consequences of human modification of the physical environment such as the use of irrigation to improve crop yields; a

2.8(C) [Supporting] identify ways people can conserve and replenish natural resources..

Student Learning Targets:

  • I will write a summary how people can help preserve our resources
  • I will discuss how people find ways to use the resources in their communities for meeting needs.

Essential Questions:

  • What can we do to help preserve our resources?

Extra Information:

Adopted Textbook: American Legacy, Studies Weekly

District Grading Policy

Texas Gateway Online Resource Center

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