Prekindergarten Unit 6

Changes in Fall

10 Instructional Days - 2nd 9 Weeks

Hyperlinks are for content teachers

Big Idea:

Compare things that are big and little, from animals, pumpkins, leaves, toys, and letters. Every letter makes a sound.

Student Expectations:

Priority Guidelines


III.B.4. Child blends syllables into words. (Target counting syllables)

III.C.1. Child names at least 20 upper and at least 20 lower case letters in the language of instruction.(Target 10 letters)

III.C.2. Child recognizes at least 20 distinct letter sounds in the language of instruction. (Target 10 sounds)

Focus Guidelines


V.D.3. Child informally recognizes and compares weights of objects or people.

V.D.1. Child recognizes and compares heights or lengths of people or objects.

V.A.2. Child uses words to rote count from 1 to 30. (Target 1-15)

Alphabet Knowledge Skills

III.C.3. Child produces at least 20 distinct letter sound correspondences in the language of instruction. (Target 10 sounds)


VI.A.3. Child uses simple measuring devices to learn about objects.

VI.B.2. Child describes life cycles of organisms. (Target pumpkin life cycle)

VI.C.3. Child observes and describes what happens during changes in the earth and sky (Target changes in Fall)

Ongoing Guidelines


V.A.3. Child counts 1‐10 items, with one count per item.

V.A.4. Child demonstrates that the order of the counting sequence is always the same, regardless of what is counted.

V.C.1. Child names common shapes

V.E.1. Child sorts objects that are the same and different into groups and uses language to describe how the groups are similar and different.

Phonological Awareness

III.B.6. Child can recognize rhyming words.

Learning Targets:

  • I will recognize that objects can be different sizes.
  • I will learn ways to measure and compare different objects.
  • I will learn that words are made up of letters and every letter has a sound.

Essential Questions:

  • What changes do we see in fall?
  • How can we measure objects to compare size, weight, length and height?
  • How many letters are in the alphabet?

Extra Information:

Adopted Textbook: Frog Street PreK

District Grading Policy

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