Prekindergarten Unit 4

Friends and Pets

5 Instructional Days - 1st 9 Weeks

Hyperlinks are for content teachers

Big Idea:

Empathy and caring for others, including pets

Student Expectations:

Priority Guidelines


V.A.9. Child recognizes one‐digit numerals, 0‐9. (Target 0-3)

V.A.2. Child uses words to rote count from 1 to 30. (Target 1-10)

V.A.3. Child counts 1‐10 items, with one count per item. (Target 3 items)

Focus Guidelines


I.A.3. Child shows reasonable opinion of his own abilities and limitations.

I.C.3. Child shows competence in initiating social interactions.


II.B.3. Child provides appropriate information for various situations.

II.E.1. Child typically uses complete sentences of four or more words and grammatical complexity usually with subject, verb, and object order.


III.B.1. Child separates a normally spoken four‐word sentence into individual words.

III.E.2. Child demonstrates understanding of print directionality including left to right and top to bottom.


IV.C.4. Child uses appropriate directionality when writing.


V.C.3. Child demonstrates use of location words

V.E.3. Child recognizes and creates patterns.

Listening and Comprehension

II.B.5. Child demonstrates knowledge of nonverbal conversational rules.


VI.B.1. Child observes, investigates, describes and discusses the characteristics of organisms.

VI.B.3. Child observes, investigates, describes and discusses the relationship of organisms to their environments.

Ongoing Guidelines


V.E.3. Child recognizes and creates patterns.

V.A.2. Child uses words to rote count from 1 to 30. (Target 1-10)

V.A.3. Child counts 1‐10 items, with one count per item. (Target 3 items)

V.A.4. Child demonstrates that the order of the counting sequence is always the same, regardless of what is counted.

V.C.1. Child names common shapes

V.E.1. Child sorts objects that are the same and different into groups and uses language to describe how the groups are similar and different.

Learning Targets:

  • I will learn how to be a friend.
  • I will learn how to care for a pet..

Essential Questions:

  • What does it mean to be a friend?
  • How do we make and keep friends?
  • What are different types of pets? H
  • ow can we care for our pets?
  • What does each pet need to live?

Extra Information:

Adopted Textbook: Frog Street PreK

District Grading Policy

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