Read,Write and Update the Properities file using Java

Post date: Mar 23, 2011 9:40:55 AM

Write into properities file

public static void WriteToProperity(String key, String value,

                  String path) {

            Properties prop = new Properties();

            // FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(path);

            FileOutputStream outStream = null;

            try {

                  outStream = new FileOutputStream(path, true);


                  // Update the environment varaible


        , "Path Properity Files");


            } catch (Exception e) {

                  // TODO: handle exception


                  try {


                  } catch (IOException e1) {

                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block








//Delete key from properties files

      public static void deleteKeyVariable(String key,String value,

                  String path) {

            FileOutputStream outStream = null;

            try {

                  Properties prop = new Properties();

                  // FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(path);


                  FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(path);



                  // Remove the key



                  outStream = new FileOutputStream(path);

                  // prop.setProperty(environClass.getKey(), environClass.getValue());

        , "Delete the Properity Files");


            } catch (Exception e) {

                  // TODO: handle exception


                  try {


                  } catch (IOException e1) {

                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block







//Read the values from properties  files

public static List<EnvironmentClass> getEnviromentVaribale(

                  String properityPath) throws InstallerException {

            List<EnvironmentClass> environmentList = new ArrayList<EnvironmentClass>();


            Properties prop = new Properties();

            EnvironmentClass environment;

            String propKey = null;

            String propValue = null;


            try {

                  FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(properityPath);

                  // load the form


                  Enumeration<Object> keys = prop.keys();

                   while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {

                        // Get the key

                        propKey = (String) keys.nextElement();

                        // Get the key values

                        propValue = prop.getProperty(propKey);

                        // Put into the List;


                                    .println("Key =" + propKey + "  Values: " + propValue);


                        environment = new EnvironmentClass(propKey, propValue);




                  return environmentList;


            } catch (IOException e) {

                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                  throw new InstallerException(e);


