C program to Get the computer password

Post date: Jun 9, 2011 8:44:01 AM

This is simple C Program to get the computer password from machine.

As soon as you run this source code, passwords of the computer would be displayed.

Code :

# include<stdio.h>

# include<stdio.h>

# include<process.h>

# include<stdlib.h>

# include<ctype.h>

# include<conio.h>

# include<mem.h>

unsigned char huge Data[100001];

unsigned char keystream[1001];

int Rpoint[300];

void main(int argc,char *argv[]){

    FILE *fd;

    int i,j;

    int size;

    char ch;

    char *name;

    int cracked;

    int sizemask;

    int maxr;

    int rsz;

    int pos;

    int Rall[300];     /* Resourse allocation table */


            printf("usage: glide filename (username)");



    /* Read PWL file */



                  printf("can't open file %s",argv[1]);









    /* Find Username */





    /* Copy encrypted text into keystream */





    /* Generate 20 bytes of keystream */








    /* Find allocated resources */










    maxr=(((maxr/16)+1)*16); /* Resourse pointer table size appears to be

    divisible by 16 */

    /*Search after resources */

    Rpoint[0]=0x0208+2*maxr+20+2; /* First resources */


                /* Find the size of current resourse */




                printf("Analysing block with size:%04x    (%d:%d)



                                printf("Unused resourse has nonzero size!!!


                                printf("If last line produed any:You may try to recover


                                printf("Press y to attempt the recovery








                /* Resourse have a tedency to have the wrong size for some reason*/

                /* Chech for correct size*/




                                                        pos=pos+2; /* Very rude may fail */



                pos+=2; /* Include pointer in size */




    /* Insert Table data into keystream*/


                    keystream[20+2*i]^=Rpoint[i] & 0x00ff;

                    keystream[21+2*i]^=(Rpoint[i]>>8) & 0x00ff;



    printf("%d Bytes of ketstream recoverd


    /* Decrypt resources */













-Courtesy Beenu Arora