Insert multiple rows at single statment using mySQL & Avoid date truncate error in mysql  while Insert TimeStamp

Post date: Aug 9, 2011 7:20:22 AM

Before post this article i was struggled a lot to insert the multiple statement at single short in mySQL database.

I used java as front end. I separated all my insert statements by ';'.

executeBatch() is  helped me to do multiple insert at single short.



                             String[] arrAreaStmt= areaStmts.split(";");


                             String[] arrImgStmt = imageStmts.split(";");


                             Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();


                             for(int i=0; i<arrAreaStmt.length; i++){




                             for(int i=0; i<arrImgStmt.length;i++){





I have an another problem in mySQL while timestamp. It show date truncate error in mysql.

By using following statement you can avoid that error.


 values ('352337040706319','19.1135212','73.0147768',

STR_TO_DATE('2011-08-09 12:59:49 PM', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s %p'),
