Custom WPF RichTextBox with color change and highlight functionality

Post date: Nov 26, 2014 12:23:20 PM

There is requirement from the client has following complex scenario

There are 2 mode in a application

Read Only mode:

 If "NumberOfReadOnlyCharacter" (e.x first 50 characters)  exist, then those character should be in "Red " color, and those characters should not be editable, other characters should be in "Block" color

Read only mode

If user try to search some text then those text should be highlighted in "Black" color and remaining text should  change into

" Gray" color

Search Mode

Edit mode:

In edit mode read only text should be in "Red" color and should not be editable and remaining text should turn to be "Green" color, so that user can append the text at the end.

CaretPosition should not go to read only text and selection is not allowed for read only text


To solve this complex issue, i'm end of with writing my own custom Richtext box



                Text="Welcome to Greate India Club. We are here to deliver quality of software related information from all over the best software professionals working in various MNC companies. 

You can also share and post your projects and your valuable articles by joining in this group. We are very happy to welcome all the students and professionals to create best community.

Thanks and Regards,

Boobalan Munusamy. "


                IsEditMode="{Binding IsRTBEnabled, Mode=TwoWay, 

UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ElementName=MainPage }"

                SearchText="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=TxtSearch}"     



Download the source code here