How to Make your Web cam as Survilence Camera?
Post date: Jun 3, 2011 3:52:33 AM
Using some softwares you can change your web camera as spy or survilence camera. here i give you some
softwares links.
Rise Sun(Complete Free Software)Adjustable Motion Detection Sensitivity
Adjustable Webcam Performance
Automatically takes a snapshot when movement is detected
Automatically logs a record when movement is detected
Automatically sounds an audible alarm when movement is detected
Automatically displays a silent message when movement is detected
Screen Shots:
Set the sensitivity of movement detection.
Detection motion within or outside a specified area .
Receive emails with images of any movement detected.
Publish movement images to your website.
Publish webcam images at regular intervals.
Timestamp your images (choice of colours and position within image)
Graph of movement over time (with calendar facility).
Start movement detection at a specified time.
Command line startup options.
Save your individual settings to different profiles.
Receive notification of new versions as they become available.
New versions autoinstall on one mouseclick(so you only need to install TeboCam once).
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