How to disable delete confirmation dialog box in Windows XP

Post date: Feb 25, 2011 6:16:59 AM

The feature of Windows asking you if you really want to put the files in the Recycle Bin whenever you attempt to delete a file is to stop you from deleting a file by mistake or accident. The delete confirmation dialog box appears every time you give the command of deleting a file. However, there are times you are deleting many unnecessary files in order to clean up your hard drive. This delete confirmation dialog box will really bother you at such times and you would want to get rid of it as it takes up a lot of your time while you are deleting numerous files.


Follow these easy steps to disable delete confirmation dialog box in Windows 7:

Click on the Apply and then the Ok button. 

You have been successful to disable delete confirmation dialog box in Windows 7. The method to turn it on again is very simple too. Just follow the above steps and check the Display delete confirmation dialog box.