Read xmlstring/xmlFile using XMLParser.h in C

Post date: Jun 3, 2011 12:33:16 PM

Here i want to read configuration.xml file using XMLParser.h


















C++ Code to read that XML File


XMLNode coNodeMain = XMLNode::openFileHelper(configFile.c_str(),"ROOT");

 ////////start: Extract ListOfNameSpace//////////////////////////

XMLNode coNodeListOfNameSpace = coNodeMain.getChildNode("ListOfNameSpace");

      //Get number of child node

      int iNodeCntListOfNameSpaceChild = coNodeListOfNameSpace.nChildNode();

    // For all nodes, children of "root" in the XML tree.

    for( int xx = 0; xx < iNodeCntListOfNameSpaceChild; ++xx )



         XMLNode coNodeNameSpace = coNodeListOfNameSpace.getChildNode(xx);

         XMLNode coNodeNameSpaceString = coNodeNameSpace.getChildNode("NameSpaceString");

         XMLCSTR coNodevalNameSpaceString = coNodeNameSpaceString.getText();

          XMLNode coNodeNameSpacePrefix = coNodeNameSpace.getChildNode("NameSpacePrefix");

         XMLCSTR coNodevalNameSpacePrefix = coNodeNameSpacePrefix.getText();

         if( 0 != coNodevalNameSpaceString &&

               0 != coNodevalNameSpacePrefix )



             printf("%s", coNodevalNameSpacePrefix.c_str());




If you have XMLString with you means just replace

XMLNode coNodeMain = XMLNode::openFileHelper(configFile.c_str(),"ROOT");

with this code:

XMLNode coNodeMain = XMLNode::parseString(xmlString.c_str(),NULL,&xmlResults);