It's all about iOS7

Post date: Jun 13, 2013 9:50:46 AM

I'm really happy about iOS7 features, here I would like to walk through those features.

                                                    My App Portrait navigation bar in iOS 7

                                                   Landscape navigation bar in iOS 7

                                                   Picker view controller in iOS7

The New Frameworks:

Below screen shot show SpriteKit same application

2. GameController.framework provides an interface for communicating with game related hardware;

    It means if any game controller device like joy strick, micro phone, connected physically to an iOS device or connected wirelessly over bluetooth then this controller will notify you to handle those event.

It's related to game software, I'm not aware of these things. We will go to next feature.

3. MultipeerConnectivity.framework Peer-to-Peer Connectivity- This is multipeer Connectivity frameworks provides peer-to-peer networks for app;

This framework allows you to find the nearest device to exchange the datas and share the internet connections.

4. JavaScriptCore.framework If you are a Hybrid app developer then you would be wonder with this framework. Here after you no need to search for JSON parser and javascript bridge to call javascript function from objective C vise versa.

5. MediaAccessibility.framework Media Accessibility framework manges the presentation of closed-caption content in  your media files. I'm really don't know what they are talking about. I have to go through this framework to understand this functionality 

6. SafariServices.framework This is safari service framework provides support for programmatically adding URLs to the user's safari reading list. Some how we got safari API to interact with


 Finally apple realise that our app needs to be run in the background for some critical process or download/upload some important information while it is in the background. Here onward you suppose to register for UIBackgroundModes key with the fetch value in your app's Info.plist.


set the minimum time you want between fetch operations

 You must implement below method in your app delegate to perform any downloads


If you want to handle push notification to notify the user that new content is available,

UIBackgroundModes= remote-notification in plist
