
Stereotypes - St Paul the Apostle North Endeavour Hills.mp4


Sienna, Meihar and Megan, Years 5 and 6

St Paul the Apostle North Primary School, Endeavour Hills

Our group chose stereotyping as our social issue, because we felt that girls should get a chance to play any sport that they want. They should be treated the same as boys. Girls should be able to earn the same income and be respected as boys are. We wanted to make this film because we wanted everyone see what stereotyping can do to people and what it can make people feel. Stereotyping continues to this day and is a form of bullying, it can lead to depression and even suicide. We are passionate about this topic because we want to encourage people to be themselves encourage them to not care about what others say about them because it doesn’t matter who you are, it matters how you react to what they say if you take it seriously or ignore it.