The Divide Between Religion and Politics

The Divide Between Religion and Politics

Gavin, Year 9

Mazenod College, Mulgrave

his digital work, in the style of Surrealism, shows how the world has gone crazy over matters politically and religiously, and consequently is losing its unity. The background is the White House where democracy is founded, letting discussions take place. The left side has a church with the story of Adam and Eve, as well as the story of Cain and Abel, highlighting that the church is slowly being neglected and people are losing their sense of inherent goodness. The left side is light. Portrayed as a saviour, a god called Ben Shapiro, stares down at Donald Trump with his hammer to criticize humanity’s tendency to eye each other with indignation and rage and attack each other not on ideas, but character. The dispersion of Donald Trump with his terrible rhetoric and character, creating a culture of toxic tribalism, quickly creeping onto people as highlighted by the shadow monster behind the trees. There is alot more symbolism in this work which is a relevant critique of today’s age.