Recycled Paper Cross Art

Recycled Paper Cross Art

Years 3 and 4 Collaboration

St Augustine's Primary School, Keilor

Recycling helps to reduce the rubbish in landfill that can take hundreds of years to break down. Recycled art is creative work that's made from materials that once had another purpose. It also helps to preserve trees by reducing the need for new paper. As art and recycling go hand in hand and are both very important to us, we decided to create an art piece using recycled materials. We used old magazines to roll them into different sized coils or rolls and joined them all together on a piece of canvas to create our amazing piece of art. This process took a lot aof time and patience but we loved working together to create our masterpiece. We chose to create the shape of a cross as our class piece because we are part of a Catholic School and our faith is very important to us. The cross symbol is seen at the front of our school, on our classroom prayer table and we even have the cross as part of the emblem on our school uniform.