Figure in Action

Figure in Action

Rafailia, Year 10

Penola Catholic College, Broadmeadows

My artwork focuses on capturing a figure in action moving through space which was explored in class through Elizabeth Barrien’s artworks. I have created a wire figure of a ballerina to show the gracefulness and beauty of the feminine body. In the process of making this artwork, I researched different poses of the female body for inspiration and I looked at the structure and proportions of the female body. I created some gestural drawings as a starting point for my sculptural piece. I started creating the ballerina’s body by taking a piece of wire, folding it in half and entwining a second piece of wire around it to create the same thickness as the body which formed my base. Once I was happy with how the body looked, I started working on the limbs and used the same method, making sure to add extra wire to places such as the thighs and calves to emphasize tension in the legs. Once I was happy with my figure, I cut out a piece of wire mesh to make the signature ballerina tutu and folded it to show the movement of fabric. I then used a thin piece of wire and wrapped it around the ballerina’s waist to attach the tutu and make sure it stays in place. Through my art work, I hope people can see the beauty in something as simple as a ballerina figure.