Recycled Critters

Recycled Critters

Alessia, Arya, Samuel, Mikayla and William - Year 5

St Peter Apostle Primary School, Hoppers Crossing

In this unit, the students looked at the work of the Tjanpi Desert Weavers, indigenous artists from the remote Central and Western desert regions of Australia. They explored how these artists use traditional techniques to create modern sculptures using the natural resources they find around them. The students then created their own sculpture of an Australian animal in the same style of the desert weavers. This unit was designed to allow the students to develop the skills of planning and problem solving whilst learning new art techniques. The students were only allowed to use resources we already had available or that they could find around them. They used old balls of yarn, fabric scraps, feathers, beads, newspapers and old wooden blocks. This helped the students understand that even what we may consider junk can be turned into art and that we don't always need to use expensive resources to create amazing things.