
CSM 9 Campaign Post

It was never my plan to run for re-election. I was supposed to be a ‘one and done’, but something happened. Much to my surprise, it turns out the CSM actually plays a major part in influencing the game, and makes sure CCP stays on track with what the players want for each expansion. I know that every former CSM member seems to say something similar, but I promise you I used to be one of those non-believers even as I was running for CSM 8, and I couldn't have been more wrong.

Now I’m hooked. Three hour skype conversations about the most random obscure game mechanic? Sign me up. Arguments over whether the drone assign nerf should be limited to 45 or 50 drones? Meh, seems trivial, but sure I’ll vehemently defend my point for two hours. They want our opinions on refining mechanics and what changes can be made? I mean, I haven’t touched industry since 2008 … but ok I’ll go chase down some of the best industry guys I know across multiple timezones and grill them for information on the mechanics so I can at least follow along.

I don’t know why, but I really enjoy what we do on the CSM. I even get a small amount of joy when I support some change that I know will negatively effect my own alliance. So when the opportunity presented itself to run for re-election, I just couldn't walk away.

At this point plenty of you are probably curious as to who I am or what I do. Basically I serve one main purpose on the CSM, and that is to give my expertise on all things PVP related. I've been a fleet commander for six years now, starting out with small high sec wars in 2008 and moving all the way up to big 250 man fleets in 0.0 sov wars by early 2010. Since then I've been a fleet commander in most of the big 0.0 conflicts, and for the past 2 years it seems I've been one of the major fleet commanders in just about every single war. On top of that I started Nulli Secunda in August 2010, and through some hard work and plenty of sheer luck, we've somehow worked ourselves up to where we are today.

When it comes to the CSM, I’m mostly involved in the tiercide rebalance efforts every patch, as well as other game mechanic changes like the warp speed buffs or the drone assign nerf. I've had some input into just about every rebalance effort for the past year and even had some of my ideas make it into the game (really excited about this summer patch btw). However, I also give heavy input into the ongoing discussions about the 0.0 meta, with topics such as force projection and farms and fields.

So here I am, asking for your votes again so that I can give one more year of service to you guys. I’m doing this because I felt like there are some big PVP and 0.0 related changes that are going to be made in the next year, and I want to continue to be a positive influence shaping those changes. For example, force projection is beginning to gain a lot of traction in the EVE blogosphere, and I’m confident that if we keep working on viable solutions, you guys might be able to read about some progress very soon. You already saw CCP’s first adjustment to farms and fields in 0.0 with the ESS deployable, but that was only just the beginning. Not to mention, there are still the ship rebalancing passes that will continue to be a part of every upcoming patch. If you’ve been keeping score, CCP has done most of the subcaps already, and while I know as much as any of you do about what ships they will rebalance next, if they are running out of sub-capitals to rebalance, then that only leaves the bigger ships.

Unlike some of the issues from this past term, the issues of 2014 are right up my alley, and I would love to have your support once again. I know I’m a bloc candidate, but we looked at the numbers from last year and there is no way I would have been elected had it not been for the votes I received from outside my alliance/allies.

So throw me a spot on your ballot if you can, or if you’re still skeptical feel free to ask questions and I will answer. However, please go about contacting me the right way if you really want to be answered:

- THE BEST way to get in contact with me is to follow me on twitter @progodlegend, and tweet me your question. Those things go to my phone and I always have my phone on me.

- You can post your questions or anything else in this thread really, and I will respond nightly when I get home and have some time.

- DO NOT EVEMAIL ME, EVER. This is not because I don’t like getting evemails, but as a fleet commander, it’s often beneficial to not be logged in to the game on my main character. I’m not going to start listing my alt accounts just so you guys can eve mail me, so If you have a long message you want to send me, DM me on twitter and I’ll give you a character to evemail, or even an email address. I know evegate exists, but it’s so hard to use on a cellphone, and just in general not something I remember to do very often.