Leyanora Varkain

Country: Germany

Character Created: 2013/04/25

Corp/Alliance: Special Assault Unit/IT'S ONLY PIXELS

Twitter: @realLeyanora

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE Online Podcast - German language interview

Ballot Statement

Nullsec dweller with a strong urge to work on sov mechanics and fleet logistics

My priorities for CSM XII are

- Change the current state of sov warfare in nullsec (make sov great again!)

- Work the gap between cruiser and capital logistics

- Also I am always up for reasonable disussion on anything involving pvp

Campaign Post

Sers internet spaceship pilots.

My name is Leyanora Varkain, currently director in the alliance IT'S ONLY PIXELS and CEO of the corp Special Assault Unit.

I have been playing eve for almost 4 years while living in null for most of the time.

A short overview about the alliances / coalitions I have been with so far:

2013 Insidious Empire

2014 living in lowsec after beeing a short time with V.e.G.A.

2015 Gentlemen's Club

2016 IT'S ONLY PIXELS while beeing with Vanguard Coalition

So bottom line is: I enjoy fleet pvp the most but I am not that much into large blobby fights with a ton of tidi. I like gangs where every member has a chance to actually play the game instead of just beeing a pure "anchor up and press F1" pilot.

About half of the time I am out in space I like sitting in a logi ship of all sizes. I enjoy flying frigate, cruiser and capital size


My priorities for CSM XII are

- Change the current state of sov warfare in nullsec (make sov great again!)

- Work the gap between cruiser and capital logistics

- Build a wall around delve and have mittens pay for it

So why am I exactly running for CSM. There was this "incident" at EVE Amsterdam 2016 where I tried to talk to a certain CCP Dev (hint: one that is often refered to the current state of sov mechanics) and all I got was "blabla political blabla". That got me pretty upset. I totally understand that some random guy wont get a solid plan of what will change and what CCP is currently looking into but it left me very unsatisfied and I chose to take a chance of actually change it and work on it to actually work on the major downsides of the current sov mechanics.