The Judge

Character Created: 2003-10-08

Country: Australia

Corp/Alliance: KarmaFleet/Goonswarm Federation

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

Twitter: @_TheJudge

Reddit: /u/_thejudge

I am good at working professionally with CCP’s developers and helping people to walk into a room with an open mind and a desire to make a change. I want to use my experience to shine a light on the issues facing every EVE player, namely the rapid increase in PLEX price, the issues plaguing Faction Warfare and the constant issue of botters.

Some things I’ve worked on as a CSM member lately

⦁ Major balance passes

⦁ Providing CCP with feedback to help combat botting and better understand and regulate the PLEX economy

⦁ Changes to the War Declaration mechanics

⦁ Charity auction at EVE Vegas 2018

⦁ Buying CCP Guard goodbye beers

The issues I plan to push on CSM 14

⦁ PLEX prices

⦁ Botting

⦁ Lowsec and Faction Warfare (it’s time)

⦁ EVE Online Classic Server

⦁ Communication issues from CCP

How can you contact me?

Twitter: @_TheJudge

Discord: The Judge #1886

Reddit: _thejudge


Who am I?

You may know me from my previous terms on the CSM or as the guy who pulled off the single biggest heist in EVE’s History. There is more to my story.

Over the last three and a half years I have served as a member of CSM 11, 12 and 13. This is despite the real-life challenges of attending weekly CSM meetings at 3 a.m. local time. In fact, I’m the only CSM member in history who has attended every single CSM meeting in a term. I also created the CSM discord when I started on CSM 11 as a way to more directly involve the community in the CSM process and help people get in contact with their elected representatives. I’m dedicated to EVE and the CSM. I have the knowledge and contacts to be a productive CSM member and that is something I believe holds a lot of value.

Why you should vote for me

The CSM isn’t all powerful. Every election candidates will tell you that they will fix Faction Warfare, make EVE more dangerous - or safe, fix the economy and so on to try and win your vote. A CSM member doesn’t have the power to make that happen. I’m not going to try and sell you the moon. What I am good at is working professionally with CCP’s developers and helping people to walk into a room with an open mind and a desire to make a change. I want to use my experience to shine a light on the issues facing every EVE player, namely the rapid increase in PLEX price, the issues plaguing Faction Warfare and the constant issue of botters.

Some things I’ve worked on as a CSM member lately

Major balance passes

⦁ Providing CCP with feedback to help combat botting and better understand and regulate the PLEX economy

⦁ Changes to the War Declaration mechanics

⦁ Charity auction at EVE Vegas 2018

⦁ Buying CCP Guard goodbye beers

The issues I plan to push on CSM 14

⦁ PLEX prices

⦁ Botting

⦁ Lowsec and Faction Warfare (it’s time)

⦁ EVE Online Classic Server

⦁ Communication issues from CCP


Whether you were involved in Judgement Day or not, it was a perfect representation of what EVE is, a sandbox. Regardless of any in-game notoriety, I have consistently advocated for the needs of my voters and the greater EVE playerbase. I’ve directly brought more players to the game and created millions of clicks on articles taking about EVE. I want to continue making a difference and I can do that with your vote.

How can you contact me?

Twitter: @_TheJudge

Discord: The Judge #1886

Reddit: _thejudge
