Soul Crusher

Corp: Cartman's Big Wheel Deputies

Country: USA

Eve Who Link

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Ballot Statement

I'm a network engineer, with 17 years of professional IT experience. I played eve back in 2006/2007. I recently started playing again. The game has changed tremendously since then. The majority of my free time is spent learning about new technology. I have spent lots of time working with developers to help find software bugs, and give design ideas. I am always an early adopter of new releases. Up until last weeks update from Microsoft I had been running Windows 10 exclusively on my laptop. I dont mind working through bugs, and giving advice. Over the years I have made many software modification recommendations to Microsoft and Cisco Systems. I'm 36 years old. At this point in my life, I dont play many other games, as there just isnt enough free time for me. But I do sit down and play Eve for an hour or two every night. I have 2 accounts; one with a Caldari character, and one with a Minimitar character. I have convinced a few friends to get accounts as well. We currently run a player corporation. We have a POS in high sec. We're planning to move that to low sec soon. The future plans for my two characters is as follows:

The Huth - Caldari - Get in to covert operations ships. Search for worm holes and do exploration. Bounty hunt in null sec.

Soul Crusher - Minmatar - Become a low sec pirate. Also has the ability to do R&D.

I always enjoy trying new content. And again, I dont mind dealing with bugs.

I currently hold a CCIE Collaboration with Cisco Systems, and an MCITP with Microsoft.

Campaign Post

None (as of 20 February 2015)