Ali Aras

CSM 9 Campaign Post

So a year ago, which feels like a long ******* time ago now, I posted one of these threads, in which I laid out a platform for myself as a newbie-focused optimist with a fresh perspective and a focus on independent people in the game.

You all elected me, I was very honored, and I’ve spent the year working to deliver.

On CSM8, I’ve worked as an organizer and advocate for the community. When large issues come up, I often play the part of a relay, focusing community concerns and bringing them to CCP. When I don’t understand something, I seek out players and colleagues who can teach me how it works, rather than just parroting a line.

I have maintained very consistent activity, attending as many meetings as I can and working to contribute to the CSM overall. I’ve matched this with work on updating the community about CSM activities, with tweets, Space Hangouts, a regular segment on Declarations of War, and the occasional longer post at warp-to-sun or, depending on audience.

I’ve gotten my grey hairs from late nights and long arguments, but throughout the past year I have maintained my commitment to honesty, integrity, and advocating the viewpoint best for the game.

It’s this work that I hope to continue on CSM9.

This year is different than last-- I have no bloc, big or small, behind me. I’m no longer a Provident, although I still hold a soft spot in my heart for the region, for NRDS, and for small independents. I’m running on nothing but my record and a strong, unwavering commitment to excellence, honesty, and transparency. Vote for me, and let’s make CSM9 an even better year.

Not enough specifics for you? Check out this post later down.