Sullen Decimus

Twitter: @Sullen_Maximus

Eve Online Forum Posts

Campaign Post

Welcome to the CSM XI campaign page of Sullen Decimus.

Who am I?

I am an avid Eve player involved in a very broad spectrum of game play since 2012. I have participated in virtually all forms of PVP/PVE in all levels of security space including wormholes. In a few years, I have twice earned the title of director -- in two different corporations with entirely different forms of game play. I’m a director in Polaris Rising, a member of The Bastion null sec alliance holding sovereignty in Vale of the Silent. We participate in a vast variety of activities from large scale battles to small roams at the corporate level, the SIG level, the alliance level, and the coalition level. I have led large scale fleets and faced other null sec entities, several times outmatched and/or outnumbered.

I also remain active in a mid-sized, 5-year old wormhole corporation living in C2s through C5s which I was a part of before null sec. This has a different lifestyle from null sec sov and I still hold a directorship, occasionally live-streaming my wormhole adventures.

Although not directly related, I am also the CEO of one of the few remaining active Dust 514 corporations, furthering my investment in a broad range of activities throughout New Eden.

In real life, I am an engineer with a security clearance that has worked on virtually every aircraft the U.S. Navy operates. I currently work on the A-10 jet for the U.S. Air Force. That being said, if you met me in Vegas you would know that I like my rum and coke, parties and clubs so I thoroughly enjoy socializing.

Why should you vote for me?

Unlike many players I am heavily invested in multiple disciplines. I feel the vast majority of candidates are campaigning for a single form of game play in New Eden. In my opinion this is detrimental to progression as they will have a natural bias for their goals. The individual systems also need to work well together. The diversity of game play is important - not just to prevent boredom but also burnout. I’m prepared to advocate for a number of different game play activities and styles at the same time.

I also would like to change the face of the CSM as I am not a member of the “old guard” which has been prevalent for years. I was at the famous battles for Fountain and B-R5RB, however not in a capital ship so my experiences and memories are vastly different than some of the older members. I do not have the goal of trying to return to old, but rather how to better the future.

In recent years there has been a very real deterioration in the CSM-CCP relationship. Two factors contributing to this are a lack of trust from CCP and lofty expectations of CSM members - pushing their agendas to the breaking point. As an engineer I am very familiar with not only realistic expectations but also confidentiality of sensitive material. One of my goals would be to mend this relationship so that the CSM can again be a relevant contributor to the game we all love and play.