Gecko Hareka

Country: Austria

Character Created: 2011/10/21

Corp/Alliance: Old American Syndicate/Silent Infinity

Twitter: @GeckoHareka

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Eve News 24

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Gecko Hareka 4 CSM Player Content/ PVE / Tools / 0.0 Player since 2011, member of ProviBloc, focus on player content and new player experience. Let's say your Alliance candidate first - but me second?!

Main points I want to bring to CCP:

Story-based Player Interaction/PVE: Integration of player-made content, like player-made PVE-missions, integrating content like Corp/Alliance history, perhaps even missions for new members of alliances.

When CCP discontinued the EVE-Wiki, they also deleted part of the player-history of the game. I want to have it back and a better technical bridge between external sites, the stories, info & content and the actual space we all are flying through. CCP should make better use of the history the players develop and integrate it better into the geography of our game.

Tools: Better in-game management tools for market, members, corps/alliances, structures, better mobile integration, actual content that is also manageable mobile, APIs

0.0/Structures: No wishlist, as everything is in motion atm. I want to be part of the process for all of us.

So I hope you can agree with me on some of the points I want to make to CCP for all of us.


Campaign Post

Main Focus: Game Content/ PVE / Tools / 0.0

Hello all,

I am excited to be running for CSM this year. It's my first run for CSM, so I will include my main goals and some background info in the post below.

There are multiple candidates from around Provi running this year and I would definitely recommend to also vote Jin back in. But if it is your Alliance candidate first, consider Gecko Hareka second... ;)


I am part of ProviBloc, based in the region of Providence, a newbie friendly group, that allows neutral entities to experience 0.0-space for the first time. We only shoot reds (NRDS - "Eve in Hard Mode"), so anyone that wants to rat or mine or whatever can safely try out this gameplay in 0.0. A lot of mayor players started out in Provi and most have still some connection to this region.

I started out in High Sec with our Corp OASY, we lived a bit in Low Sec and finally moved out to 0.0 in Providence. I stayed there ever since and am quite happy with our little (dys)functional family out in space. I am naturally interested in what CCP wants to do with Citadels and other structures and want to be part of this process.


I know the CSM-members cannot magically cook up new features but I will try to remind CCP of the following topics, so that they think about integrating them in a way while cooking up new stuff... this is mainly seen as a wishlist, not a feature request.

1. Story-based Player Interaction/PVE:

Short wishlist: Integration of player-made content, like player-made PVE-missions, integrating content like short-stories and Corp/Alliance history, perhaps even individualised missions for new members of alliances (alliances design their missions, new players do them and learn about the alliance history and so on).

Explanation: When CCP discontinued the EVE-Wiki, they also deleted part of the player-history of the game - and I'm still waiting for the promised replacement features. I want to have a better technical bridge between the meta on external sites, the stories, info and content and the actual space we all are flying through.

I mean the B-R memorial (a large and very slow 0.0 player-fight) is nice but a bit lacking in info, background or even as a starting point for new missions... CCP should make better use of the history the players develop and integrate it better into the geography of our game...

2. Tools

Short wishlist: better in-game management tools for market, members, corps/alliances, structures, better mobile integration, actual content that is also manageable mobile, APIs

Explanation: With all the new structuresm the new market and so on we need beter tool to still be able to manage it all. While CCP did streamline it I think there is still some room for improvement.

3. 0.0 / Structures

No wishlist, as everything is in motion atm. I want to be part of the process and - if you look at the other points I made - want to see CCP include good management tools and better options for individualising the player structures and the occupied space. This naturally includes a streamlined sov process, useful structures and perhaps we will even get answers as to CCP's future plans concerning POSes and stations.

So I hope you can agree with me on some of the points I want to make to CCP for all of us and put my name up on the list in the vote. If you have any questions just ask here or send me a mail and we will work something out.



Twitter: @GeckoHareka

In-game: Gecko Hareka