Mr Hyde113

Character Created: 2005/07/04

Corp/Alliance: ElitistOps/Pandemic Legion

YouTube: Mr Hyde

Twitch: Mr Hyde

Twitter: @MrHyde113

Eve Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

CSM Watch Interview: Link

EVE_NT Profile: Link

Campaign Post


My name is Mr Hyde, and I am pleased to announce my candidacy for CSM XI.


I have been playing EVE since 2005 and for the better part of those 10 years.

Over this time I have dabbled in many aspects of the game, but have always had an underlying focus and passion for PVP. My corporation history has been long and varied, and I have flown with notable groups from INFOD in the ancient past, to Rooks & Kings, to Black Legion, and more recently joined Pandemic Legion. I have always maintained friendships with players from my long time in this game, regardless of corp/alliance or politics.

Although my main focus in the game for the past year or so has been Solo PVP, I have had extensive PVP experience in many other forms of combat in everything from Triage/Logistics to Dreads to Subcaps.

I produce Solo PVP videos and streams for my Youtube and Twitch channels, which I try to make entertaining and educational. One of my favorite aspects of this is helping players (new and old) with solo/small gang pvp, whether that means chatting about strategy/tactics in my in-game channel, or helping players with fittings by evemail. I have found it to be a really rewarding experience, both in improving my own piloting, as well as connecting with the community.

I have never considered running for CSM before, but feel that the game is at important stage in its continued development. If CCP still sees value in consulting with a group like the CSM, I would be honored to participate and lend my experience to the process.

I believe my long experience in the game, gives me a unique perspective as a candidate, since I have seen the evolution of EVE over my 10+ years playing and know what works and what doesn't.


I want to first and foremost serve as a consultant for CCP on the issues they wish to receive feedback on.

I will not serve as a lobbyist for any group/alliance, and place the betterment of the game as my highest priority.

Although my personal opinions on balance & mechanics are varied, I always strive to balance sensibility and consistency.

Although balance is an active and ongoing process, we should try to make sure innovation does not lead to oppression.

Diversity and meaningful choices in the game are key.

PVP needs to be accessible to new players but also needs to maintain the depth necessary to challenge veterans.

CCP has a wonderful vision for the game, but oftentimes needs the help of the players in executing that vision.

Feedback and communication from and with the community, especially from active forums such as /r/EVE, is paramount to a transparent and accountable CSM.


I am a long-time EVE Player, active Solo-PVPer and videomaker, and hope you will give me your consideration for CSM XI.


Please feel free to reach me with questions/suggestions/concerns in this thread, by eve-mail, or by twitter.

Thank you,

-Mr Hyde