
Character Created: 2010/09/06

Corp/Alliance: Tactical Narcotics Team

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Campaign Post

☠ Anne✘e for CSM XI ☠

Who am I in game?

I am a proud Gallentean pilot. A late bloomer who started in 2010. After running some training missions, and a few

epic arc missions, I joined the corporation Terra Firma Explorations Ltd. and begun mining in high-sec with a

T1 hauler. These guys taught me a lot about Eve and really got me set up in understanding our game.

After a few great months, I needed to find a group that was more suited to my style, I wanted to shoot things!

After seeing the skull and crossbones of I N E X T R E M I S, I looked no further. A fresh corp, just formed by a fellow Aussie, and looking to wreak havoc across New Eden. After only 5 months in game, I found myself in a rapidly growing pvp corporation, with one of our first engagements earning me the title "I will pop your wreck with faction loot".

Our corporation is a member of the Tactical Narcotics Team alliance, which is a member of the Imperium coalition. We have lived in multiple null sec regions and have engaged in PVP and all parts of New Eden. Null-sec, Low-sec, High-Sec, Wormhole space, there is no place we won't fight. Our corporation has earned the title of Top Killers in every alliance we have been a member of. I may not be the strongest of PVP-ers, but that doesn't mean I'll back away from a fight. Win or loose, it's the thrill of the fight!

Loyalty is an important aspect of the game. 5 years on, I am one of the longest standing members of ITAI, and have the unofficial title of Co-CEO. Our corporation has over 200 members, of which I know every member, and treat them as family. We are a world-wide corp that operates 23.5/7, and I have the privilege of flying with some amazing men and women, from so many different cultural backgrounds, that all share a laugh and that support and care for one another.

Who am I in real life?

I am a 30-something West Australian, Graphic Designer and musician. The last person you'd expect to be playing an online spaceship computer game if you met me at the pub. We don't have pet kangaroos, but I can handle a mouse pretty well. I grew up around computers and computer games. From Beyond Dark Castle on a Mac LC III to DayZ (Arma2 mod!) on my current system, I have always enjoyed gaming.

A friend of mine (also a gamer/musician) who knew of my interest in sci-fi and technology, lead me towards Eve Online,

though it was the social aspect of Eve that kept me playing. Multiplayer games are one thing, Eve is another.

I have attended Eve Down Under twice as well as other player gatherings in Australia, and have always enjoyed talking

about the game with others, sharing stories, sharing ideas and sharing speculations on upcoming features.

I might not be the loudest one in the room, but that's usually because I'm thinking, planning or daydreaming.

CSM and Annexe

The CSM is something I've heard about, but never put any serious consideration into. Like a lottery where your chances

of winning get slimmer with every entrant. But its common knowledge, you can't win it, if your not in it. So just like

#YOLO-ing a freighter through a gate, I am announcing my candidacy for CSM XI. With my graphic design and music comes the skills of communication, planning, understanding and knowing what the best outcome for the overall project, which I feel are skills that make me an ideal candidate. Eve Online has had a huge impact on me and I want to support the game and continue to see it grow and evolve.

As a member of the CSM I want to share the voice of the players. I want to find out what drives the players in the game and what aspects they want to see expand. I feel there is a great deal that can be done to make this game even greater. For me, it's the visual layout and user experience, which I believe there are many ways they can make game more inviting to newer players, while maintaining the intellect and integrity of the game. I feel like I can take the ideas and feedback of players both new and old present them in a professional manner to CCP.

Things I want to advocate for:

Corporation leadership/management


New-player experience

Null-sec PVP

Feel free to shoot me an in-game mail or just shoot me in-game, I will shoot back!