Terandria Starsong

Character Created: 2015/03/29

Corp: The Scope

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Campaign Post

I am officially announcing my candidacy for CSM XI.

I have played EVE for roughly a year, so while I may not be the most experienced candidate running, I feel that I may bring more of a newbro perspective to the CSM. I am an industrialist, and have worked both high sec and null sec.

Following are a few of the things I would like to see happen.

1) I would like to see some new battlecruisers and battleships enter the tech trees, to offset the increase in frigate and destroyer class ships. Perhaps BCs and BSs that are specialized in tracking smaller ships.

2) Either a new BS sized mining vessel, perhaps a tech 3 version so as not to replace exumers.

3) The possibility of giving the Rorqual a new role, of being able to mine itself. Perhaps having the option to either have the industrial core or an extraction "core", giving the rorqual the ability to mine with 6-7 strip miners. As it is now the rorqual just sits in a POS providing boosts, with its compression ability not being used generally. It would also get the rorqual out from sitting in a POS.

4) I would like to see some changes to the wardec system. As it stands now anyone can declare war on anyone and have no limit to how many wardecs are active. Perhaps limit the number of active wardecs a corp or alliance can have at any one time, or increase the cost to wardec someone, while also adjust the cost based on the size of the corp or alliance being wardec'd. So for example, a small Corp, say 1-10 members will cost more then a corp with 50 members, then at a certain point it would cost more again for larger corps. Then each concurrent wardec will cost more, for example if you have 5 wardecs active, if you declare war again it will cost 5x more isk.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, vote Terandria Starsong for CSM.

Send an eve mail, I would love to hear your opinions, ideas, and feedback.

o7 fly safe