Steve Ronuken

Country: United Kingdom

Character Created: 2011/06/26

Corp/Alliance: Fuzzwork Enterprises/Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM

Reddit: Fuzzmiester

Twitter: @Fuzzysteve

Website: Fuzzwork

Eve Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Statecraft CSM Debates - Day 1, Session 1

Ballot Statement

Third Party Developer (,, Highsec Dweller. Industrialist. Mission Runner. Miner

With three terms under my belt, I have a good grasp of the responsibilities and duties of the CSM and I have a good working relationship with CCP.

I'm primarily a highsec industrialist, with a solid side order of mining, PI and mission running. Outside of the game, I'm one of the major third party developers, running ,providing support in google for various api functions, and converting the SDE for usage in a wide variety of uses.

With the remaining structure changes, there's a lot of room for guidance and while CCP's been pretty good at getting the concepts in the right ballpark, the devil is in the details, especially for how the various sec statuses interact.

There's a lot of API development happening at the moment, with prioritization being a huge issue. I'm plugged into that community, across most groups; so there's a lot of good I can do there.

Campaign Post

With the summit over (The minutes are in progress, and will hopefully be with you within a fortnight or so) the election season is now in full swing.

That's why I'm here to ask you to consider voting for me. With three terms under my belt, I have a good handle on the duties and responsibilities involved. As such, I'm not going to tell you "I'm going to make CCP make this change", because that's not what the CSM does. Anyone who does promise you a change, is either lying to you, or completely misunderstands the CSM.

What I am going to do is tell you the areas in the game I'm suited to giving advice to CCP. The interest groups that I understand and will represent.

  • Third party Development
  • Industry
  • Highsec in general.
  • Mining (and other resource gathering such as PI, gas reactions and so on)

I'm seriously plugged into the third party community, providing resources and tools to other developers and the wider eve community ( is my main site)

Highsec industry is how I make my living in Eve, both invention, and general production.

I'm a great believer that there should be a mix of group and individual content. Some of it should be the same content, with more options opening up with more people.

Mining needs some work, mostly in game play around mining, rather than the core mechanic. (Though I'd like more options there too.

PI needs UI changes. I've proposed a few, though that's mostly to draw attention to problems, than to actually have them implemented.

Solo play is entirely valid. While that doesn't mean that all content has to work for it, it should always be considered. (By solo, I mean a player who, while engaging with the rest of Eve, does it on their own terms, without being beholden to larger organisations. See me for an example.)