Kalen Tsero

Country: United States

Character Created: 2013/05/10

Corp/Alliance: Alpha Waffles/PANCAKES.

Reddit: Kalen_Tsero

Twitter: @kalen_tsero

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Crossing Zebras - Ashterothi Interview

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Your typical lowsec pirate who wishes to help have a healthy lowsec. Faction warfare is hurting and lowsec is on the roadmap to the future. With that, we've seen AegisSov. We don't want that for us. Help me help you #MakeLowsecGreatAgain.

A lowsec candidate. Primarily to help represent faction warfare space. Now while I've never done it myself. I am in good communication with a few people who have, one who has done it for a long time. They'll make sure I get all relevant feedback to pass on to CCP. You may be asking "Why care about FacWar if you're not part of it?" Well, the short of it is that even though I don't do it. It still has a large effect on my own gameplay. If it wasn't for the faction warfare in my area, it would be much harder to hunt targets. A healthy FacWar is a healthy lowsec. I have many connections inside of Faction Warfare and I will keep in touch with them as well as holding townhalls to keep in touch with the greater faction warfare community to ensure everyone's gameplay is best preserved.

Campaign Post

Hello all, most probably don't know me unless you're on tweetfleet slack or have joined Karina Ivonovich's recent Weebfleet slack. I'm here to throw my hat in to the CSM candidacy pot. Even though I'm not a big name, I know I can and will work hard to make sure my constituents are heard when it come to anything that may affect them. Anyways, on to my post.


I've been playing EVE solidly since May of 2013. Started as a highsec miner and one month in to the game I got my first taste of PvP venturing in to low to get some of those rocks. Never looked back. Joined E-UNI that August, stayed there for two years, then in August of 2015 I joined WAFFLES. While in E-UNI I did try out wormhole space for about 6 months, I stayed mostly entirely in lowsec. During it I've FC'd mostly small gang, my largest fleet hitting 50 people wherein we used carriers and dreads. I run a monthly "weebfleet" public fleet which is slowly gaining traction.


I'm going in as a lowsec candidate. Primarily to help represent faction warfare space. Now while I've never done it myself. I am in good communication with a few people who have, one who has done it for a long time. They'll make sure I get all relevant feedback to pass on to CCP. You may be asking "Why care about FacWar if you're not part of it?" Well, the short of it is that even though I don't do it. It still has a large effect on my own gameplay. If it wasn't for the faction warfare in my area, it would be much harder to hunt targets. A healthy FacWar is a healthy lowsec.


Lowsec pilot

Small and Medium gang FC

Cares about all aspects of lowsec due to their symbiotic relationships.


if you need to get ahold of me, feel free to EVEmail me, hit me up on tweetfleet slack, on Weebfleet discord, on reddit at /u/kalen_tsero, or even twitter @kalen_tsero (though I rarely get on my twitter.)