
Character Created: 2010/05/27

Corp/Alliance: KarmaFleet/Goonswarm Federation

Twitter: @Xenuria

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Campaign Post

The Short Version

I am officially announcing my candidacy for the 11th Council of Stellar Management.

I will be running solely as a reform candidate.

If elected I will advocate for sweeping reforms to the CSM, it's relationship dynamics with CCP and the electoral process itself.

The Long Version

~Not Long Ago~

There was a time when I ran as a reformist candidate and was laughed at by the mainstream establishment, one former CSM member even went so far as to compare my reforms to the gestapo. This was a time of great trepidation and ignorance a wellspring of naivety and uncertainty.

~Soon After~

Controversy after controversy rattled the CSM and the eve community. Absentee delegates, NDA Violators and other assorted cloves of drama and dysfunction. Discord and demagoguery reign like a paranoid tyrant.

~Present Day~

The multitudes cry out for reform as the very foundations of the eve community tremble.


This wouldn't be a Xenuria thread without a vain selfie so, here.