CatanaFleet Red

Corp: RipSnort Patrol

Country: Australia

Eve Who Link

I'm a long time anonymous gamer.

I don't do the famous gamer BS.

I'm not particularly good at this game - but I know what I like.

I'm standing for the unknown masses of gamers out there that don't give a toss about the how unfair/hard/crap a feature/mechanic is - but who want to make a real difference to the universe through whatever play style they care for.

Do you dare vote for a candidate who will stand up for the little guy - bring sanity back to the boardroom and keep CCP honest.

The CSM is not a rubber stamp - nor is it roadblock - it's here to vet the crazy stuff coming out of Reikavik and vet we will!

Will you be on my side for this? I hope you will! See u st the ballot box!

Campaign Post

None (As of 20 February)