The Ludocrat

Country: United States

Character Created: 2012/09/08

Corp/Alliance: 30plus/Fidelas Constans

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Ballot Statement

The Ludocrat is a man of mystery. Some say The Ludocrat isn't a man at all, nor a woman, but rather a living idea. Of what, you ask? Of rule by game! Fair games of course, or at least games that can be rigged fairly. You might call that politics, but The Ludocrat calls it Ludocracy!

In all seriousness, I'm dedicated to respresenting your needs and ideas to CCP and the CSM, whether you are a miner or a hardcore pvper, an industrialist or roleplayer, an explorer or any other kind of player. It's a big cluster, and there's plenty of room to find that perfect part of New Eden and improve it. I want to help you and CCP work together to do that. Thank you and please vote The Ludocrat for CSM 2017!

Campaign Post
