
Character Created: 2016-05-13

Country: Canada

Corp/Alliance: Dreddit/Test Alliance Please Ignore

Eve-Who: Link

zKillboard: Link

My Name is Aeryn-Sun.

I am Not a CEO, or an FC. I do not live in wormholes or control any null-sec Alliance. I am simply a regular player that does not have their own agenda and set of “fixes” for Eve-Online as a CSM Candidate.

I play Eve Online with my husband and the many friends we have made over the years, and will continue to do so within this ever evolving Sandbox we call Eve-Online.

Too many times have Patch Notes come down that seemingly had not thought of the impact on ____.

Looking at many other CSM Candidates campaigns, and their ideas on how to “fix” eve online, makes me believe I need to help.

I can play devil’s advocate with the best of them. I believe there is always an alternative to any set of proposed ‘changes’ that can achieve the same end result, but have a lesser impact on the players, and the whole of our Universe.

I am a person of strong Conviction, and am able to commit to my duties if elected.

I believe in diversity, equality, and fairness for all.

My Name is Aeryn-Sun.

I am Not a CEO, or an FC. I do not live in wormholes or control any null-sec Alliance. I am simply a regular player that does not have their own agenda and set of “fixes” for Eve-Online as a CSM Candidate.

I play Eve Online with my husband and the many friends we have made over the years, and will continue to do so within this ever evolving Sandbox we call Eve-Online.

My goal and reasoning to join CSM 14, is to ensure all aspects of the game are observed and objectively considered when changes are presented.

Too many times have Patch Notes come down that seemingly had not thought of the impact on ____.

Looking at many other CSM Candidates campaigns, and their ideas on how to “fix” eve online, makes me believe I need to help.

I can play devil’s advocate with the best of them. I believe there is always an alternative to any set of proposed ‘changes’ that can achieve the same end result, but have a lesser impact on the players, and the whole of our Universe.

As players, we do not really enjoy change. We are creatures of habit. Sometimes change is necessary, but in a game we all pay for and devote many hours into every week we should expect more subtlety.

It is my hope, that being able to provide alternatives and objective opinions, will yield higher player satisfaction with the on-going and ever-changing aspects of our Game for all of us.

I am a person of strong Conviction, and am able to commit to my duties if elected.

I believe in diversity, equality, and fairness for all.

As such I am not campaigning with my own proposed changes, but my promise that I would do everything I could, to ensure everyone can enjoy this game as it continues to evolve, as it will!