Chance Ravinne

Twitter: @WiNGSPANTT

Website: WINGSPAN Delivery Services

YouTube Channel: Link

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Campaign Post

o7, capsuleers.

Ten months ago, I was a nobody. An explorer with an empty wallet and dreams of exploring the galaxy of New Eden.

Today, I'm still a nobody. I don't have any political power or connections. My corporation is staffed almost entirely by people whose PVP experience could be summed up on a fortune cookie label. I spend my nights exploding industrial ships and composing sarcastic EVEmails. When the mood strikes me, I post videos of these exploits on YouTube for an audience of mediocre size.

So, why should you believe I can make a difference in EVE?

  • Ask the 1,000+ people I have gotten into EVE Online via referrals.
  • Ask the 500+ retired EVE vets who have emailed me to say my antics got them back in the game.
  • The 20,000+ people who have read my exploration and stealth bomber guides.
  • The 400+ people who have waited weeks and weeks to join WINGSPAN Delivery Services.
  • The dozens of "victims" who have paid me for killing them.

Those numbers all mean something, and they don't mean "Chance is great."

Those numbers mean there are people out there, a LOT of people, who are ready to believe in EVE Online. Some for the first time, some after years of bitter cynicism. These are people who are excited for the possibilities EVE has now, not just the dream-inspired promises of CCP and CSM candidates. These people are inspired by the crazy idea that they don't have to wait for content to happen. They can create it, they can be it, and they can share it with the world, including outside of EVE.

I share their passion and their optimism. I do not come to this forum with a bag of "fixes" for EVE - that is the job of game designers and analysts. Instead, I come to this forum with the promise to be a voice for progress. A voice for content. A voice for everyone who is ready to dive into the next epoch of EVE Online with probes launched and torpedoes loaded.

Give your voice a chance. Because if there's one thing you know I will do with a promise, it's deliver on it.
