Ariel Rin

Country: Australia

Character Created: 2011/02/09

Corp/Alliance: Tactically Gifted/Tactical Supremacy

Twitter: @ArielRin

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

Declarations of War - CSM XII Candidate Roundtable 1

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Ballot Statement

My EVE community, is a community worth fighting for, a community that has forged lifelong friendships via a beer glass and a passion for internet spaceships. I am running to give back to a community that has given me so much over the years. I bring with me, a wide and storied experience struggling to find a home in EVE as a derelict Australian and a passion for the community and out of game events.

Campaign Post

Greetings All,

Most people refer to me as Ariel, a certain Aussie colloquialism starting with “C” or occasionally the The Little Mermaid…

Most of my EVE Career has not been particularly memorable. I’m not in any character bio’s, not jeered or applauded in any significant circles and my name has never appeared in any previous CSM Ballot.

I have spent a little bit of time in almost every corner of EVE. I've been a renter inside the Russian bloc swapping rental contracts with whomever was winning the war. I’ve lived in C4 and C5 wormholes, krabbing and hunting before attempting the lowsec life to go home dejected and poor. I pretended I was top dog killing POS mods in my Aeon with PL and when I couldn’t, sneaking off to read TMC and EN24 on the dunny at work. Most recently I've putting in the hard yards helping Fawlty7 make TIKLE into a dedicated home for Australians.

In between all of this meandering I built EVEMeet with its mastermind Bam Stroker and proceeded to give my liver cruel and unusual punishment over a two year period with this amazing community.

In fact, my only claim to fame is making the holy pilgrimage to Iceland, in order to miss a solar eclipse due to alcohol poisoning.

All this has taught me that the EVE community is a community worth fighting for, a community that has forged lifelong friendships via a beer glass and a passion for internet spaceships.

I am running to give back to a community that has given me so much over the years. I bring with me, a wide and storied experience struggling to find a home in EVE as a derelict Australian and a passion for the community and out of game events.

What I stand for is the continuance of CCP’s increased transparency and communication. Greater support for EVE related media, meets and events. A productive CSM that stays out of the media and a separation of politics from development feedback.

In game, having recently taken up the mantle of leading a corporation and assisting in the operations of an Alliance, the day to day management leaves much to be desired. Whilst the in game tools have come leaps and bounds from their original incarnation, much of the management falls to custom applications, most of which are closed source. While CCP's work on ESI has been encouraging, more work should be done to allow these in game tools to supplement more complex custom applications.

Lastly, I want to fight to clean up the Forums, a good jibe or troll is all well and good but continued harassment, inconsistent moderation and player self importance, has meant the forums have been a genuinely horrible place representing only a small slice of the EVE population.

I am always available for contact @ArielRin, or surprisingly enough via EVEMail


Ariel Rin