
Corp/Alliance: Stille Gewalt/Dead Terrorists

Country: Germany

Twitter: @citricioni

Eve Who Link


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Ballot Statement

My primary focus in EVE is low sec pvp where I engage in all flavors of pvp from small to large scale fleets which I achieve through interacting with the EVE community through my NPSI group.

My NPSI group has become quite popular amongst the German playerbase and the greater EVE community. You may have joined one of our fleets or attended one of our events such as our carrier events. When I'm not doing community work; I am a low sec pirate, FC, corp CEO and alliance director for one of the largest alliances in minmatar space.

Whether I am flying the banner of my NPSI community or alliance; I am dedicated to finding good content. If elected, I would strive to provide CCP the necessary feedback and suggestions to help guide the game into a content-rich environment for all types of players and play-styles.

I believe, with my experience with interacting with the many different players and play-styles in EVE, that I would be a prime candidate for CSM X.

Thanks for reading,


Campaign Post

Hello to all the Miners, Mission Runners, PVP'ers, Wormhole Peoples and other Freaks in EVE,

the Germans of you may know me from our Corp-Publicchannel on which we announce and form public fleets.

For about one year now my Corpmates, Guest fleet commanders and me start PVP public fleets with 30-120 People.

Why I want to act as CSM:

- I love EVE, I would appreciate to bring the community and EVE closer together.

- Since we started with announcing the public fleets i get back the fun in EVE. And love to bring people together.

- I don't want to talk about 123456789 things here because I think mainly its a feeling to vote the right person and not the 123456 pages someone wrote. I want to do things and don't write 10 times where I'm ELITIST at.

Actually, I would use my time to make you a more beautiful EVE.


Ask so many question as you want, maybe I will answer them :p :D



(oh, and i'm a yar har guy)