Sugar Kyle

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Campaign Post

I am Sugar Kyle and I will be running for reelection to CSM X.

During the last year I have worked to repay the trust that you showed when you elected me and I believe that I have been successful.

I promised to communicate. I have. I have written my weekly posts where I list what I am involved in and give my opinions and thoughts. I have been running Open Q&A’s where anyone who would like to come talk to me on neutral ground can do so. I am available almost every day in my chatroom in game and I spend most evenings talking about Eve in game, through both eve-mail and e-mail, as well as twitter, Skype, the forums, and comms. I attend Eve events, both local meets and larger gatherings such as Eve Vegas.

I promised to work. I have. I’ve been an active member participating in meetings, forum posts, and skype chats with CCP. I heavily participated in writing the minutes which we released to the public six weeks after the Summer Summit. I have focused on quality of life improvements generated around PvE. Some broken level V missions have been fixed. Suggestions like like warping your fleet to an escalation have been added. I was also the push behind rebalancing escalations so that sites escalate through high sec, low sec, and null sec. I have been active in the community collecting the feedback of the playerbase and taking that to CCP as major changes have been released one after another.

I promised to listen. I have. My time on the CSM is about listening to the players and bringing that to the table. Many issues have multiple sides. I may have my own opinion and those that I represent have another. I will bring both of them with me. There is no one way to look at Eve and I believe that the voice of the players creates the soul of the game. This position is as much about listening as it is about speaking. I have been willing to listen to opinions and ideas that are contradictory to my own and been willing to accept and represent gameplay different from my own.

I came to CSM9 on a platform to bring attention, awareness, and improvement with my focus on low sec. I believe that has happened. CSM9 has taught me how to fight the good fight and bring things to CCP. Low sec is in a better place but that does not mean that it is perfect. As CCP moves towards changes to null sec, low sec will be affected and that effect must be accounted for. The changes to power projection have changed the dynamic of low sec and we have to make sure that low sec remains the uniquely interesting place that it is.

My time on the CSM has encouraged me to expand my knowledge of Eve. I may live in one area but I represent players from all over the game. To me, this position is about improving Eve for all of us. It is about preserving the unique things that the players make. It is about bringing to CCP what Eve means to its players and bridging the gap between development and what players have created. NPC null sec needs love as well. Sov Null may be a major topic on the table but that does not mean other things cannot be improved along the way.

We have challenges coming in 2015.

Corporations, alliances, and starbases are on the table. These are all areas close to my heart. They are also areas where I have spent time and effort this last term collecting player input and opinion to give back to CCP as they revamp these important game mechanics.

There are so many things to do. War Decs need to be discussed and looked at against the future changes for corporations and structures. Markets and Contracts need attention. I’d love for boosters to get a serious rebalance as well. PvE has received attention and this needs to continue. The entire PvE experience needs to be improved and expanded in all sectors of space. I’d love for there to be more dynamic and active ways to mine for those who wish to do industry in more dangerous areas of space.

I am asking you to elect me again.

The CSM has made me appreciate and love this game more. I have the time, dedication, and experience to help improve Eve. Eve is what we make of it and I am here to, with your help, make it the fantastic place that we all want it to be.

My CSM9 Candidacy thread.