Eduard Teach

Character Created: 2012/01/27

Corp/Alliance: Ark Royal Mining/No Alliance

Eve-Who: Link

Eve Forum Posts: Link

zKillboard: Link

Media Appearances

EVE_NT - Written Interview

Talking in Stations - Soundcloud - YouTube

Ballot Statement

Vote for Eduard Teach/Adare Darmazaf. Ill stand for: Incursions Null Sec NPSI Fleets Factional Warfare! And I am pro name changing (If done correctly) Thank you for your vote and confidence.


Eduard Teach

Adare Darmazaf

Ingame occupations:

Adare Darmazaf:

Member of Alcoholocaust[SUAD], which is part of the infamous TEST ALLIANCE PLEASE IGNORE. Daily chores differ from ratting, carrier ratting, to fleeting, to research and production. All located in null sec.

Eduard Teach:

High sec pilot, FC for the Warp To Me incursion community and line member for BombersBar. Also engages in high sec. Trading.

Real life occupations:

I work 36 hours for an international company in the branche of professional beauty. Whilst also studying at the university of applied sciences of Rotterdam in the field of logistics and economics.

I have experience with projects and making efficiency optimization cuts.

CSM why?:

I want to join the CSM, because I do believe I will be a valuable asset from my personal experience with the game (since 2012) and working experience within a few multinational corporations outside of the game.

Above all, I am excited to making Eve even better and improving player experiences.

Campaign Post


Find me ingame if you have questions.

Post on forum if you have questions.

I am running for a seat at CSM.