Bane Cortex

Corp/Alliance: Sleepers./You Are Being Monitored

Country: Canada

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Ballot Statement

I have been involved with wormholes and led many worm holes corps. I was CEO of the aesir for quite some time. I bring a large knowledge base of wormholes and I feel i would be a great canadate to help ccp with the further development on wormholes.

Campaign Post

Hello there wormholers of eve online!

I am Bane Cortex, a long time wormholer and player of eve. I am looking to becoming part of CSM X. The main focus of my campaign is to solely aid CCP in the further development of Wormhole content and mechanics.

There are a few things I would like to focus on if I were to become part of CSM X would be as follows:

- Anomaly mechanics

In relation to anomaly mechanics there are a few things I would like to look over. There is a definable issues for corps living in WHs mostly C5s with the randomness of the spawning of lowsec entrances to holes. This make corps living in these worm holes have to go through great wait times to be able to get to any content. Along with that being said there is also a large latency with spawn times on combat sites as well. I bring these points to the tables solely to aid in the creation of more content for players. Home content should be AS important as static content.

- Balance wormhole effect

I would like to point out Black holes and cataclysmic variables at this point. These along with some effect make certain wormholes undesirable. This is forcing corps that want to so content into wormholes where they may require more ships or skills in order to create content. The effects on wormholes should be more even across the board to make it so there are no wormholes left out, creating more content for players.

- Make wormholes more accessible for new players

This strongly follows suit with the last two points I made. There is a strong need for content to be explored more and possible have more mechanics made so there is more interest in wormholes for new players. Wormholes are a great part of eve online and every new player should be able to explore then.

- Refine corporate interface ( ie: Bookmark issues)

I know there is a corp management page updating coming but there has always been a large issue with having multiple corps in the same hole. It is understandable that ccp may only want one corp to a hole but there is being looked

over and there should be accommodations made so multiple corps can coexist in a single wormhole under the same alliance.

- Lower class wormhole content

There has always been an issue with the skill gaps between wormhole class levels. With that being said I would like to look into ways to ease the transfer of players through the levels of WHs so they can get a chance to see the entire content this game offers. As is stand c1-3 wormholes are excellent for starting up wormholes corporations. They provide decent content but do not allow the number of sites and isk require to fuel POSes in these hole so new corporations can get a foothold on low class wormhole space. I would like to see c1,c2 and c3 WHs be viable content for players.

- More wormhole systems

I know over the years there have been additions of more WHs but i would like to see a steady increase in the number of wormholes as the player base for WH rises. As it stands it can be a very tasking and difficult process for a corpotation to fine an empty wormholes to live in.

- Fix ore sites

The creation of more ore sites for wormholes would be a great addition for eve online and would allow there to be a larger player base for doing wormhole mining. I do believe that mining minerals in a wormhole should be more viable than it currently is.

The list goes on for potential ideas. Personally I feel wormholes and wormholers make up a critical part of eve online. They do require more attention and I would like to do this for us all.

Feel free to reply with question I will gladly reply.